Facebook’s Problems Just Keep Getting Bigger
Below is a list of current serious Facebook legal issues:
The Canadian Federal Government and the Province of BC agreed to join the separate investigations into Facebook user data being sent to AggegateIQ (part of the Cambridge Analytica scandal)
- Facebook just admitted they did know about the Russian meddling in the 2016 US Presidential election, in 2016
- Facebook has temporarily walked away from a major project to use their data in Hospitals to improve patient outcomes
- Facebook has just shut down AggegateIQ ‘s account for improving receiving data from Cambridge Analytica
- Facebook apologized to a notable Myanmar group because Mark Zuckerberg’s claims of how Facebook is effectively responding to hate speech and used Myanmar as an example. The groups involve claim that Facebook was actually quite slow to respond and that they cleaned up their own mess.
- Brazil fined Facebook $33M for not turning over WhatsApp data (that Facebook is almost certainly unable to turn over because the information is encrypted)
- The US Government is requiring Mark Zuckerberg to appear in front of the
- US House of Representatives Committee on April 11th
- US Senate Committee on April 10th