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Whats Wrong with Biofuels?

Whats Wrong with Biofuels?

A few days ago a biofuel refinery that will produce nearly 1 billion liters of biodiesel every year was announced as an expansion to the existing Co-Op refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan. Generation 1 Biofuels are Bad For The Environment By …

tesla vs the world in 2030

Who Will Be The King of Electric Vehicles in 2030?

What Environmental Advancements Have Traditional Automakers Made In The Last 40 Years? Many people look at the old automakers like GM, Ford, Mercedes, Chrysler and Honda as useless and non-responsive.  However the truth is quite a bit different.  Here are …

Everything you need to know about Plugin Hybrid PHEV

VIDEO: PHEV’s In Real World Driving

If you want to understand how plugin hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) work in real life, join me on my long drive to work and back.  Also, if you find this of interest you will likely be find useful information in …