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Calgary 2026 Olympic Cost Breakdown - 2026 Dollars

Revised Calgary 2026 Olympic Bid Math is Fiction

On Wednesday October 31st, The City of Calgary shaved less than 4% off the proposed Calgary 2026 Olympic Winter Games bid math by claiming saving in security and venue changes.  While this is an improvement, the numbers just don’t add …


How Much Oil Can A Rail Car Transport?

The old DOT-111 rail cars carry about 700 barrels of oil but because of safety concerns they are being phased out for newer, safer DOT-117 oil rail cars which can carry about 675 barrels of oil. We will use 700 …


Should Minimum Wage Be Aged Adjusted?

In many parts of Canada and United States there is a drive to a minimum wage of $15/hour.  Some places like San Francisco and Alberta have already at that historic rate.  While all but the most ardent on the political …