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Charlottesville White Supremacists Car

The Great Browning: Why White Supremacists Are Doomed

It is understandable that people often prefer to associate with people of their own groups.  It is just easier to converse, live with and do business with people that share a similar background.  Personally, I find that boring, but understandable. …

What Affects Your Credit Score

SOLVED: What Affects Your Credit Score?

Have you ever wondered what really affects your credit score?  Did that late car payment really make a difference?  Does having too many companies ask about your credit rating, affect the rating?  Well, here are the answers: 1 – PAYMENT …

gavel money judgement dpa

What Is a Deferred Prosecution Agreement In Simple Terms?

There is much talk about “Deferred Prosecution Agreements” because of the SNC Lavalin bribery scandals.  The insinuation from many media outlets is that a Deferred Prosecution Agreement lets companies go without punishment.  This is far from how DPA’s actually work. …