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Where does Canada export Refined Petroleum to

Where Does Canada Export Oil To?

It will come as no surprise to anyone in the oil sector, or involved in the stock market that Canada exports nearly all of its oil to the United States.  What may be surprising is some of the secondary markets.  …

Canadian Exports

What Does Canada Export and Import?

Canada has a dynamic first world economy but still has its primary exports from primary industries: Click to expand graphic 2017 Exports From Canada In contrast to Canada’s raw material exports, Canada imports mostly finished goods: Click to expand graphic …

Huawei 5G

The Rational Case Against Huawei

There are many that think Huawei is just a puppet of the Chinese government and an equal number that think the Huawei bans and bad talk are nothing more than hype designed to stifle a non-Western competitor. We recently wrote …