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2016 ELR White

My 2014 & 2016 Cadillac ELR’s

I have the only Cadillac ELR in Canada’s Prairie Provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta).  In fact, two years ago I flew to Vancouver BC and picked up a beautiful black 2014 ELR with 23,000 kilometers on it.  I loved it …

The 2020 Cadillac ELR First Drive

Welcome to ElectricCadi.com!

We are just getting the site ready and expect to launch in mid-September 2019 with: History Photo & Video Gallery Electric Cadillac car sections, including ELR, CT6, Prototypes and more User Forum (to be launched in early 2020) Thanks for …

trump xi taiwan ing-wen

One China & The United States

One-China is an understanding that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the Communist Party of China (CPC) has complete legal and moral authority over both the Chinese mainland and break away island of Taiwan. How it came to be …

PE Trudeau Mao Tse Tung

What is One China, A Brief History

‘One China’ is a policy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that requires other nations to accept that the CCP is rightfully in total control of both the Chinese mainland and the nearby island ‘nation’ of Taiwan.  The history of …

The End Of Android

The Future of Android OS is Chinese Made Harmony OS

Google built Android from scratch in about 3 years of serious work.  With China’s: penchant for stealing intellectual property unlimited budgets massive talent pool how long do you think it is will take China to develop a solid mobile OS?  …

Largest Cell Phone Manufacturers In The World 2018 2019 Huawei Oppo Vivo Apple Samsung 2018 Growth

US President Trump Just Killed Google Android

When China began the ‘free-marketization’ of its economy in the 1980’s it was clear that China was going to be an economic powerhouse.  They had an excellent blue print to follow in capitalist British Hong Kong and a singular drive …

Lu Shaye finger

Why Canada Does Not Need To Be Afraid of China

Canada has a pushy trading partner called China and that “partner” is throwing its weight around currently by: Removing China’s (nasty) ambassador to Canada “…Lu has made a series of damning remarks about Canada-China relations in recent months”… SOURCE . …