Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment - FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

We have two versions (full and highlights) of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley’s speech to the Alberta Teachers Association conference in Edmonton in which she explains that the Trans Mountain Pipeline will not cause increased carbon emissions because: The demand for oil will increase through 2045 and that demand will be met Read more…


VIDEO: What The Federal Court Ruling Against Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Actually Said, Why & What’s Next

The recent Trans Mountain court case has groups on both sides fired up and stretching the implications.  This video from BNN Bloomberg calmly explains that Federal Court ruled against the Trans Mountain pipeline on just two grounds: 1: TRANS MOUNTAIN CONSULTATION: The consultation with a small number of indigenous communities was Read more…


Most Popular Course In Yale University’s History Teaches Students How To Reduce Stress Through Real Social Interactions

Yale Professor Julia Santos teaches the most popular class in Yale University history on how to reduce stress through routine real, physical social interaction.  Social Media give today’s students the impression of interaction but it is so cursory as to only cause increase angst because students end up unnecessarily comparing Read more…

cost of growing pot indoor vs outdoor

Cost To Grow Cannabis Inside vs Outside & Why The Canadian Government Wants It Grown Outside

The Canadian Federal Government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has legalized recreational cannabis (pot) as of October 17th, 2018.  As a result of this legalization, cannabis companies have been massively expanding their traditional indoor facilities to meet the expected new demand.  Indoor hydroponic facilities offer very good security protections but Read more…


VIDEO: Sex Lies & Loneliness – Dating in the Modern World

Joanna Coles on CNN’s “GPS with Fareed Zakaria” explains that people are transitioning from the classical method of meeting potential mates to an electronic process.  She explains that there are serious positives to using apps to find potential spouses including:

  1. Drawing from a much larger pool
  2. Eliminating the effort required rule out a potential mate if there are characteristics you will not tolerate (i.e. Like Trump vs Hate Trump or Meat Eater vs Vegetarian)
  3. Reducing the frustration of not finding someone compatible in a bar or other social setting

But there are also enormous negatives that have larger consequences for society at large like:
