
Bankruptcy of Gun Maker Remington Signifies Nothing For the Anti-Gun Lobby

Today the United States oldest gun maker Remington Outdoor Company Inc, which owns Remington Arms, filed for Bankruptcy protection.  The…

7 years ago

Anatomy of a Modern Data Breach: The Facebook – Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Now that much of the dust has settled on Cambridge Analytica's misuse of Facebook users data the sad story can…

7 years ago

Are Electric Cars Really Less Expensive To Own & Operate?

If you are interested in fully electric cars or plug-in hybrids there is a myriad of misleading information to wade…

7 years ago

How We Know The Trump Campaign Did Not Criminally Collude With the Russian Government

Let me start with the obligatory, I do not particularly like Donald Trump, believe much of what he says or…

7 years ago

Will The New Canadian National Projects Review Mechanisms, Resolve Provincial & Municipal Disputes

At the heart of the Canadian Federal Governments announcement today about fixing the process that determines if a large scale…

7 years ago

10 Things Canada Is Doing Right In NAFTA Negotiations

Multinational trade negotiations are often accused being a closed door mess with a never ending series of mistakes, but Canadian…

7 years ago

How To Fix the Post Office: Alternating Day Delivery & Community Lockers

The US Postal Service lost $5.6B in 2016.  Today the Liberal Canadian Federal Government announced that it would not reinstate…

7 years ago

The Poor Are Getting Much Richer In Canada

In a world of ever increasing political division in which those on the 'right' side of the spectrum are forever…

7 years ago

VIDEO: How The Left Plans To Win the 2019 Alberta Election

Recently I attended a Progress Alberta event titled 'Emergency Town Hall: Why Progressives Can Win in 2019'.  This event had…

7 years ago

Chinese Bitcoin Miners Want Cheap Electricity in Quebec & Manitoba but Government’s Don’t Want Gold Rush Devastation Left Behind

Canada already had several Gold Rushes that left environmental devastation and abandoned towns. China's BitMain is opening a server farm…

7 years ago

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