
What Is AI Winter?

In the early days of artificial intelligence, full AI was thought be developed quite quickly.  Researchers boasted that it was…

3 years ago

Carbon Removal vs Carbon Capture & Can Carbon Be Safely Stored In The Ground?

In this video we explain what the difference is between Carbon Removal and Carbon Capture.  This made slightly more confusing…

3 years ago

UPS Turns Right To Save Fuel, Accidents & The Environment

In a world in which big data analytics constantly surprises us with what at first appears to be counter intuitive…

3 years ago

VIDEO: Does Apple Use Its Monopoly To Take Over Markets?

Apple and Microsoft are interchangeably the largest company in the world.  Microsoft focuses on corporate tech products while Apple concentrates…

3 years ago

5 Ways Tesla Avoided the Global Chip Shortage

In this video we explain the how the global computer chip shortage will cost the auto industry $61 billion in…

3 years ago

Bitcoin: 12 Serious Problems

To be sure, Bitcoin and blockchain technologies are here to stay... at least for a while. There is much good…

3 years ago

Happy Managers Out Of Touch With Burned Out Staff

Microsoft has just released a study showing that 61% of managers are thriving in the work from home world while…

3 years ago

Everything You Need To Know about Bitcoin, NFT Art & Blockchain In Simple Terms

There are many Bitcoin proponents and many more that see real value in 'block chain' technology so we enlisted the…

4 years ago

How Home Solar Can Solve Power Grid Problems

The electric power grid can fail and if you have thought ahead to get cheap reliable solar power and storage…

4 years ago

Tesla Admits Their Driving Range Calculation Is Fiction

As many of you have been following this channel already know, my Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus gets about:…

4 years ago

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