
5 Reasons Why China is Going After Boeing

In our article BoycottUSA and BoycottTrump Does Not Mean Not Buying American, we explain that China is applying there retaliatory tariffs to Donald Trump supporters and no the US as a whole.  That brings up the question of why China would target Boeing.

Boeing is based in Chicago and Chicago did not support Trump in the 2016 and they certainly don’t support him now:

Boeing’s primary assembly plant, which is the largest building on earth, is in Everett Washington and Washington State did not support Trump in 2016.  In fact Hillary Clinton won all 12 Washington State electoral votes.

Why Did China Target Boeing?

1: Boeing Is Perceived As Trump Friendly

While it is common sense and standard operating procedure for companies to quietly support their political leaders Boeing seems particularly aggressive in this area.  When it looked like Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 Presidential Election, Boeing was there to help

Boeing, like many companies, woke up on November 9 to an unexpected political landscape. The company had been preparing for a Clinton presidency. Timothy Keating, its long-time senior VP of government operations, served under President Bill Clinton. There was even internal discussion at Boeing that Keating might join a new Clinton administration. Source:

Now the Donald J Trump has won the White House, Boeing has not unexpectedly flip flopped but they have taken it further than most, making some believe that they have a genuine support for Trump.  From Presidential visits to photo opportunities to political conversation, Boeing is now tied to President Trump.
