Donald Trump

VIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 Minutes

This short clip from the author of "Prius or Pickup?" Jonathan Weiler, explains that political parties on the left and…

6 years ago

Why The USMCA “Non-Market” Clause is Not a “Trump Veto” and Is Actually Good For Canada & Mexico

There is much hype on the so-called "non-market" clause in the USMCA (aka. NAFTA 2.0): 'Astonishing' clause in new deal…

6 years ago

VIDEO: How Much Responsibility Do Facebook Google & Twitter Have To Block Russian Misinformation?

In an era of apparently undeniable Russian state sponsored interference in American and UK Elections social media companies like Facebook,…

7 years ago

Solar & Wind Just Keep Crushing Production Predictions

Over the years many knowledgeable people have downplayed the contributions that Solar and Wind can play in the future.  On…

7 years ago

Why Pulling US Troops Out of Germany, Japan & South Korea Will Not Save the US Money

There has been much talk lately about the United States removing military personnel from Germany, Japan and South Korea in an…

7 years ago

Landing on the Sun with Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong-Un announced at a news conference that North Korea would be sending a man to the sun within ten…

7 years ago

Are Robots Really Going To Take Your Job or Are They Going To Bring Manufacturing Back?

There is recent evidence that robots will not take all the manual labour jobs and that in fact, if you…

7 years ago

What’s Wrong With Immediate Deportations Of Illegal Immigrants?

We ask this question sincerely and without malice: What's Wrong With Immediate Deportations Of Illegal Immigrants? We are proposing a…

7 years ago

5 Reasons Why China is Going After Boeing

In our article BoycottUSA and BoycottTrump Does Not Mean Not Buying American, we explain that China is applying there retaliatory…

7 years ago

BoycottUSA and BoycottTrump Does Not Mean Not Buying American

There is a growing global 'movement' for "Trump Free" products, which to most people means a boycott of American made…

7 years ago

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