Donald Trump

VIDEO: Colin Powell on Donald Trump: The US Constitution Starts With ‘We The People’ Not ‘I the President’

At we shy away from opinion and stick to facts.  However, the recent impeachment process involving US President Donald…

5 years ago

Think Nuclear is Dead or Dangerous? Bill Gates Says Think Again

The nuclear energy industry has a bad rap.  Accidents at Fukushima Japan and Chernobyl Russia, using 1950's technology, scared citizens…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Gladwell – Trust Strangers More But Downplay Face To Face Meetings

In Malcolm Gladwell's new book, Talking to Strangers, he explains a theory that while humans are better off for trusting…

5 years ago

SOLVED: Simple Explanation of The Yield Curve and Why it Matters To You

The "Yield Curve" is nothing more than a line between the dots on a graph of interest rates.  At the…

6 years ago

The Future of Android OS is Chinese Made Harmony OS

Google built Android from scratch in about 3 years of serious work.  With China's: penchant for stealing intellectual property unlimited…

6 years ago

US President Trump Just Killed Google Android

When China began the 'free-marketization' of its economy in the 1980's it was clear that China was going to be…

6 years ago

JOKE: Everyone Is So Proud of Donald Trump

  Donald Trump holds up kids puzzles and gets applause.  "Everyone is so proud of me... I finished the puzzles…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Reckless US Government Spending / Borrowing Now Causing the Economy to Stall, Giving China The Upper Hand

There are three main factors in our calling for the US economy to stall in the coming months, which will…

6 years ago

How The China US Trade War Only Serves to Galvanize China’s Resolve, Just Like Apple and Qualcomm

The goal of a trade war is to increase access to some other countries markets.   However, we can simplify the…

6 years ago

VIDEO: The More Threatened Voters Are, The Greater The Likelihood They Will Support A Tyrant

If you are wondering how someone like Donald Trump of the United States, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and Jair…

6 years ago

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