Politics & Politicians

VIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 MinutesVIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 Minutes

VIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 Minutes

This short clip from the author of "Prius or Pickup?" Jonathan Weiler, explains that political parties on the left and…

6 years ago
Canada is Failing its Citizens and Needs Constitutional Reform To Fix ItCanada is Failing its Citizens and Needs Constitutional Reform To Fix It

Canada is Failing its Citizens and Needs Constitutional Reform To Fix It

Today the former leader of the Alberta Wild Rose party Brian Jean published an op-ed in the Edmonton Journal explaining his view…

6 years ago
Is Alberta Oil Really Going To Generate More Than 100,000 Rail Cars Loads of Oil in 2019?Is Alberta Oil Really Going To Generate More Than 100,000 Rail Cars Loads of Oil in 2019?

Is Alberta Oil Really Going To Generate More Than 100,000 Rail Cars Loads of Oil in 2019?

In a word, yes.  While conventional oil production in Alberta has been at the same level for years, Alberta's oil…

6 years ago
Why The USMCA “Non-Market” Clause is Not a “Trump Veto” and Is Actually Good For Canada & MexicoWhy The USMCA “Non-Market” Clause is Not a “Trump Veto” and Is Actually Good For Canada & Mexico

Why The USMCA “Non-Market” Clause is Not a “Trump Veto” and Is Actually Good For Canada & Mexico

There is much hype on the so-called "non-market" clause in the USMCA (aka. NAFTA 2.0): 'Astonishing' clause in new deal…

6 years ago
Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECHAlberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

We have two versions (full and highlights) of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley's speech to the Alberta Teachers Association conference in Edmonton…

6 years ago
VIDEO: Does the Trudeau Liberal Government Really Support the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project?VIDEO: Does the Trudeau Liberal Government Really Support the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project?

VIDEO: Does the Trudeau Liberal Government Really Support the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project?

This question of support for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project by Rachel Notley's Alberta NDP and Justin Trudeau's Liberals has…

7 years ago
VIDEO: What Can & What Can Not Be Done About The Trans Mountain Pipeline Court Decision?VIDEO: What Can & What Can Not Be Done About The Trans Mountain Pipeline Court Decision?

VIDEO: What Can & What Can Not Be Done About The Trans Mountain Pipeline Court Decision?

The recent Federal Court decision holding up the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project makes for great political debate and emotional…

7 years ago
VIDEO: Two Practical Solutions To Fix American PoliticsVIDEO: Two Practical Solutions To Fix American Politics

VIDEO: Two Practical Solutions To Fix American Politics

Why is it so difficult to get large scale projects (like national debt reduction and major infrastructure projects) even considered…

7 years ago
VIDEO: How Much Responsibility Do Facebook Google & Twitter Have To Block Russian Misinformation?VIDEO: How Much Responsibility Do Facebook Google & Twitter Have To Block Russian Misinformation?

VIDEO: How Much Responsibility Do Facebook Google & Twitter Have To Block Russian Misinformation?

In an era of apparently undeniable Russian state sponsored interference in American and UK Elections social media companies like Facebook,…

7 years ago
Is Toronto City Council Too Large: Toronto vs New York vs Vancouver vs LA vs ChicagoIs Toronto City Council Too Large: Toronto vs New York vs Vancouver vs LA vs Chicago

Is Toronto City Council Too Large: Toronto vs New York vs Vancouver vs LA vs Chicago

There has been much debate in recent weeks about the size of Toronto City Council.  Currently there are 47 elected…

7 years ago