
What Is a Deferred Prosecution Agreement In Simple Terms?

There is much talk about "Deferred Prosecution Agreements" because of the SNC Lavalin bribery scandals.  The insinuation from many media…

6 years ago

What Are The Real Numbers For Alberta, Ontario and Canada New Vehicle Sales?

Much is being made about the 12% decline in new vehicle sales in Alberta this past December.  It is being…

6 years ago

Do You Think Jason Kenny Would Shovel Out His Neighbors Driveway? Where is My Right Wing Party?

I have helped the Alberta Wild Rose a.k.a. United Conversation Party (UCP) and the Federal Conservatives in many ways over…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Did Cryptocurrency Exchange Boss Fake His Own Death To Steal All The Money?

If the insane value gyrations, scams and exchange failures of crypto currencies have not scared you away from them, this…

6 years ago

What is the ‘Oil Curse’ and How It Applies to Amazon and Walmart

The "Oil Curse" or "Curse of Oil" or "Resource Curse" is the net negative outcome that is seen with any…

6 years ago

Why Artificial Intelligence Isn’t Very Intelligent

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has constant news coverage today and global thinkers like Elon Musk and Bill Gates warn of a…

6 years ago

Don’t Compare Oshawa GM to Alberta Pipelines

Three days ago Linda Mcquaig wrote an article in the Toronto Star saying: Trudeau should consider buying GM and making…

6 years ago

10 Quick Facts About The US Presidents Power To Declare a National Emergency

It turns out that US Presidents have not been shy about declaring so called "National Emergencies" through history and there…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Why More Coal Plants Have Shut In Trumps First 2 Years Than Obama’s First 4

Most casual observers hear sound bites and web clips talking about coal jobs coming back to the United States and…

6 years ago

Why Trump Supporters Are So Insistent on a Border Wall With Mexico… And Its Not What You Think

Donald Trump and friends have been banging on this border wall idea for years and their supporters are energized by…

6 years ago

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