
VIDEO: Colin Powell on Donald Trump: The US Constitution Starts With ‘We The People’ Not ‘I the President’

At we shy away from opinion and stick to facts.  However, the recent impeachment process involving US President Donald…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Alberta Company Produces Ultra Cheap Hydrogen In the Ground Avoiding All Greenhouse Gases

Proton Technologies of Calgary has taken existing technologies and combined them into a method or 'process patent' that gives them…

5 years ago

Can A Calgary Startup Really Reshape the Global Energy Business?

A few weeks ago, a small privately held Calgary startup named Proton Technologies announced they were successfully generating cheap hydrogen…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Gladwell – Trust Strangers More But Downplay Face To Face Meetings

In Malcolm Gladwell's new book, Talking to Strangers, he explains a theory that while humans are better off for trusting…

5 years ago

Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?

In a word, yes. Average spending on health care is now over 40% of all Canadian Provincial expenses: " care…

5 years ago

SOLVED: Super-Cheap Hydrogen Produced Without CO2 Using Oil Will Change The World

A Canadian company named Proton Technology has developed the worlds first large scale, cheap method of producing ultra-clean hydrogen from…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Ultimate Spoiled Child – 22 Year Old Pushes New BMW 3 Gift Into River Because It Was Not the Jaguar He Demanded

A 22 year old "man" from the Indian city of Haryana, decided that his parents birthday present of a brand…

5 years ago

SOLVED: Simple Explanation of The Yield Curve and Why it Matters To You

The "Yield Curve" is nothing more than a line between the dots on a graph of interest rates.  At the…

5 years ago

What is One China, A Brief History

'One China' is a policy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that requires other nations to accept that the CCP…

5 years ago

US President Trump Just Killed Google Android

When China began the 'free-marketization' of its economy in the 1980's it was clear that China was going to be…

5 years ago

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