United States of America

VIDEO: The Economic & Social Benefits of a 4 Day Work Week

What are the benefits of a 4 day work week, has a 4 day work week been tried and do…

5 years ago

One Third of US GDP Is Concentrated in Just 1% of US Counties & How This Effects Elections

In this short clip Fareed Zakaria explains that just 1% of US counties produce nearly one third of US output. …

5 years ago

A Tale of Two Industries: Oil vs Automotive Sectors

Much is made of the auto sector in both the US and Canada.  It is thought of as the manufacturing…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Trump Impeachment? Politicians Voting Conscience Rather Party Do NOT Lose Future Elections

Conventional wisdom says that any American politician that votes against their party's position will be severely punished by voters and…

5 years ago

VIDEO: The Environmental Case to Canadian & American Energy

To someone living in the US or Canada, it probably appears that the whole world wants to shut down the…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Complete Audio & Text of Phone Conversation Between US President Trump & Ukrainian President Zelensky

This is a followup to our article: Anatomy of an Impeachment: The Complete Timeline of the Biden Ukriane Trump Inquiry…

5 years ago

Want To See Something Surprising? President Trumps Approval Ratings Compared to Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Johnson

When we started researching this article we had intended to compare Donald Trump's approval rating to Richard Nixon's, but it…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Mike Bloomberg’s Campaign Manager Explains How The US Democratic Primary System is Flawed

In this video Mike Bloomberg's Campaign Manager explains how the US Democratic primary system causes candidates to spend the vast…

5 years ago

VIDEO: Bloomberg’s Campaign Manager Explains That Michael Is Self Made Man & Not Billionaire Debutant

In this 3 minute clip Mike Bloomberg's campaign manager explains Michaels background as a self made man and not self…

5 years ago

The Uh-Oh Moment: The Psychology Of How Being Late To the Race Helps Micheal Bloomberg

Did you know that there is a hard pattern to the amount of effort put into projects and that this…

5 years ago

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