United States of America

VIDEO: Why Trump INCREASED His Vote Count In The Areas Hardest Hit By COVID-19VIDEO: Why Trump INCREASED His Vote Count In The Areas Hardest Hit By COVID-19

VIDEO: Why Trump INCREASED His Vote Count In The Areas Hardest Hit By COVID-19

In what appears to be a shocking result to many, former President Trump actually increased his support in areas of…

4 years ago
A Brief Rational Look At The End of the Oil AgeA Brief Rational Look At The End of the Oil Age

A Brief Rational Look At The End of the Oil Age

"A huge shock to the system:  Our assessment is that global energy demand is set to drop by 5% in…

4 years ago
What is a SPAC Special Purpose Acquisition Company & How Does It Differ From a Merger, Reverse Merger or Blank Cheque Company?What is a SPAC Special Purpose Acquisition Company & How Does It Differ From a Merger, Reverse Merger or Blank Cheque Company?

What is a SPAC Special Purpose Acquisition Company & How Does It Differ From a Merger, Reverse Merger or Blank Cheque Company?

If you want to understand modern business, in particular EV, new energy and tech companies, you had better understand what…

4 years ago
VIDEO: Will Google Loose Its Innovation Mojo Because of the DoJ AntiTrust Case Like Microsoft Did?VIDEO: Will Google Loose Its Innovation Mojo Because of the DoJ AntiTrust Case Like Microsoft Did?

VIDEO: Will Google Loose Its Innovation Mojo Because of the DoJ AntiTrust Case Like Microsoft Did?

Like millions of people, thousands of companies and dozens of countries, staff at our sister site URTech.ca are closely following…

4 years ago
VIDEO: The Rational Case For US President Trump Refusing To Leave The White House After November 2020 Election LossVIDEO: The Rational Case For US President Trump Refusing To Leave The White House After November 2020 Election Loss

VIDEO: The Rational Case For US President Trump Refusing To Leave The White House After November 2020 Election Loss

In this short clip from cnn.com/gps Fareed Zakaria explains that recent polls indicate a massively uneven split between the Democratic…

5 years ago
Why Black Americans Don’t Lift Themselves Up By Their Own BootstrapsWhy Black Americans Don’t Lift Themselves Up By Their Own Bootstraps

Why Black Americans Don’t Lift Themselves Up By Their Own Bootstraps

Are black Americans really that different from other minorities?  Yes, they are. In this short clip Fareed Zakaria explains the…

5 years ago
Why Good People, Including Politicians, Give Into Strongmen & Support Blatant LiesWhy Good People, Including Politicians, Give Into Strongmen & Support Blatant Lies

Why Good People, Including Politicians, Give Into Strongmen & Support Blatant Lies

The American system of government relies on those in Congress, the President, the Courts, the military and the media to…

5 years ago
The End of The Oil Age?The End of The Oil Age?

The End of The Oil Age?

Headlines like Yes, oil is dead. Just read the writing on the wall. , The coronavirus pandemic may have one…

5 years ago
VIDEO: Wealthsimple Roboadvisor & ETF’s In Explained Laymans TermsVIDEO: Wealthsimple Roboadvisor & ETF’s In Explained Laymans Terms

VIDEO: Wealthsimple Roboadvisor & ETF’s In Explained Laymans Terms

What is Wealthsimple? What is a roboadvisor?  What is an ETF? Why Mutual Funds are a bad investment option?  How…

5 years ago
What the COVID19 Economic Shutdown Tells Us About How Unrealistic The Paris Climate Accord IsWhat the COVID19 Economic Shutdown Tells Us About How Unrealistic The Paris Climate Accord Is

What the COVID19 Economic Shutdown Tells Us About How Unrealistic The Paris Climate Accord Is

Few people can envision a world with a greater economic shutdown than what we have seen in the COVID-19 Pandemic. …

5 years ago