United States of America

Why Trump Supporters Are So Insistent on a Border Wall With Mexico… And Its Not What You Think

Donald Trump and friends have been banging on this border wall idea for years and their supporters are energized by…

6 years ago

The US Has 5 Times The Percentage of High Income Earners Compared to Canada

US vs Canada Income Distribution Explained in a Simple Graph. In the graph below we compare American and Canadian Individual…

6 years ago

If You Earn More than $100K You Are In The Top 14% of Americans – Individual Income Distribution in the United States

Below is a graphs showing American income distribution for individual (not households) in 2017.  To get to the point, if…

6 years ago

What Countries Have Banned Huawei?

Huawei is the massive Chinese telecom company that has mysterious financing and ownership.  Their murky connections to the Chinese Government…

6 years ago

10 Short Answers To Why Huawei is so Scary To Western Countries

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation said: We're deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company (like Huawei)…

6 years ago

Sales Numbers Of The 6 Cars General Motors Is Cancelling In 2019 Tells You Why They Are Cancelled

Below is a list of the of the six cars GM is dropping from production in 2019. All of these…

6 years ago

Oil isn’t Oil: What Are The Different Types of Crude Oil?

When we watch the TV or read the newspaper we often see something like "OIL IS UP TODAY" but we…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 Minutes

This short clip from the author of "Prius or Pickup?" Jonathan Weiler, explains that political parties on the left and…

6 years ago

Why The USMCA “Non-Market” Clause is Not a “Trump Veto” and Is Actually Good For Canada & Mexico

There is much hype on the so-called "non-market" clause in the USMCA (aka. NAFTA 2.0): 'Astonishing' clause in new deal…

6 years ago

Should Minimum Wage Be Aged Adjusted?

In many parts of Canada and United States there is a drive to a minimum wage of $15/hour.  Some places…

6 years ago

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