United Kingdom

The Cure For Health Care: Single Payer, Private Provider

For many years I have argued that the solution to high health care costs with universal access is "Single Payer"…

6 years ago

VIDEO: How Much Responsibility Do Facebook Google & Twitter Have To Block Russian Misinformation?

In an era of apparently undeniable Russian state sponsored interference in American and UK Elections social media companies like Facebook,…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Sex Lies & Loneliness – Dating in the Modern World

Joanna Coles on CNN's "GPS with Fareed Zakaria" explains that people are transitioning from the classical method of meeting potential…

6 years ago

Trudeau to Trump: Thanks For The Political Help!

In yet another unintended consequence of US President Donald Trump's (and his minions) lack of control, his nasty comments towards…

6 years ago

Why Russia Turned Out So Differently From Germany & Japan

After World War 2 the US (and West in general) supported its former enemies.  Rebuilding cities, legal systems, and economies…

6 years ago

The Top 10 Things Everyone Needs To Know About GDPR

GDPR is the acronym for Europe's "General Data Protection Regulation" which is the toughest set of personal privacy regulations in…

6 years ago

Should Disposable Single Use Plastic Bags Be Banned?

There has been much talk in the recent decade about banning disposable plastic bags.  The basic argument is that consumer…

7 years ago

How To Fix the Post Office: Alternating Day Delivery & Community Lockers

The US Postal Service lost $5.6B in 2016.  Today the Liberal Canadian Federal Government announced that it would not reinstate…

7 years ago

VIDEO: The Price of Carbon

Do you want to understand Global Warming without the political hype? Dr. David Maenz has written and important book for…

7 years ago

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