
The Rational Case Against Huawei

There are many that think Huawei is just a puppet of the Chinese government and an equal number that think…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Reckless US Government Spending / Borrowing Now Causing the Economy to Stall, Giving China The Upper Hand

There are three main factors in our calling for the US economy to stall in the coming months, which will…

6 years ago

How The China US Trade War Only Serves to Galvanize China’s Resolve, Just Like Apple and Qualcomm

The goal of a trade war is to increase access to some other countries markets.   However, we can simplify the…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Why China Is Like The US In The 1950’s and No Longer Needs Exports To America

From an American perspective, China has a strange confidence the belies and critical weakness that is just below the surface.…

6 years ago

The Great Browning: Why White Supremacists Are Doomed

It is understandable that people often prefer to associate with people of their own groups.  It is just easier to…

6 years ago

The Five Reasons Why Chinese Consumers Don’t Care About The China – U.S. Trade War

The China vs United States Trade war is a constant discussion in "The West" and is highly visible because it…

6 years ago

What Countries Have Banned Huawei?

Huawei is the massive Chinese telecom company that has mysterious financing and ownership.  Their murky connections to the Chinese Government…

6 years ago

Who Owns Huawei? A Fascinating Story

Huawei was founded in 1987 and it is well established that the Chinese Government "helped" at several points in its…

6 years ago

10 Short Answers To Why Huawei is so Scary To Western Countries

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation said: We're deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company (like Huawei)…

6 years ago

Oil isn’t Oil: What Are The Different Types of Crude Oil?

When we watch the TV or read the newspaper we often see something like "OIL IS UP TODAY" but we…

6 years ago

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