
The Numbers You Didn’t Expect: Canadian Provincial Transfer Payments Per Province Per Person

Canada is a group of diverse territories held together with a brilliant formula that effectively transfers money from wealthy Provinces…

5 years ago

Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?

In a word, yes. Average spending on health care is now over 40% of all Canadian Provincial expenses: "...health care…

6 years ago

Why You Should Not Be Able To Get Ontario High School Credits at Schools In China

Lets start by explaining that yes, you can acquire Ontario high school credits while in China, mostly through schools that…

6 years ago

VIDEO: City of Toronto Electric Buses By The Numbers

The City of Toronto has the largest transit system in Canada that includes 2200 buses and they are now testing…

6 years ago

5 Myths About Carbon Taxes, On Both Sides of the Issue

If you live in Alberta, BC, Ontario... ok... Canada, or the US or UK or Australia... ok... if you live…

6 years ago

What if Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Did Not Argue SNC Lavalin’s Case with Jody Wilson Raybould?

Imagine a scenario in which a major Canadian based company is facing the prospect of being seriously damaged as a…

6 years ago

What Are The Real Numbers For Alberta, Ontario and Canada New Vehicle Sales?

Much is being made about the 12% decline in new vehicle sales in Alberta this past December.  It is being…

6 years ago

Don’t Compare Oshawa GM to Alberta Pipelines

Three days ago Linda Mcquaig wrote an article in the Toronto Star saying: Trudeau should consider buying GM and making…

6 years ago

Should You Be Afraid of the Islamic Party of Ontario?

So should you be concerned or even afraid of the Islamic Party of Ontario?  That is a fair question as…

6 years ago

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