British Columbia

5 Myths About Carbon Taxes, On Both Sides of the Issue

If you live in Alberta, BC, Ontario... ok... Canada, or the US or UK or Australia... ok... if you live…

5 years ago

Don’t Compare Oshawa GM to Alberta Pipelines

Three days ago Linda Mcquaig wrote an article in the Toronto Star saying: Trudeau should consider buying GM and making…

6 years ago

Trans Mountain Image Gallery – From 1950 to 2019

This gallery of images has been collected from old reports, news items and published content from various governments covering the…

6 years ago

Complete Trans Mountain Pipeline and Expansion Timeline from 1947 to 2022

UPDATED: JULY 19, 2019 We spent many hours pouring over old records, press releases and news articles to generate this…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Canadian Oil Profits & Losses Explained 2017 2018 – Not A Love Story

This short video shows that the price of oil you see on TV is far from what Canadian Oil Producers…

6 years ago

Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

We have two versions (full and highlights) of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley's speech to the Alberta Teachers Association conference in Edmonton…

6 years ago

VIDEO: What Can & What Can Not Be Done About The Trans Mountain Pipeline Court Decision?

The recent Federal Court decision holding up the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project makes for great political debate and emotional…

6 years ago

Which Canadian Province Produces The Most Electricity From Renewables. You Might Be Surprised

Without any question Quebec generates the most electricity from renewables because of their massive and expanding hydro infrastructure. You might…

6 years ago

Has The Price of University Tuition Really Gone Up? A Comparison From 1990 to 2018

We are trying answer two simple questions: How much does a student need to work to pay their Canadian University…

6 years ago

What Major Pipelines Were Built In Canada in the Last Decade of Conservative Rule

There are many who claim that in the last decade of Conservative rule in under Federal Prime Minister Harper and Alberta…

6 years ago

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