
Sales Numbers Of The 6 Cars General Motors Is Cancelling In 2019 Tells You Why They Are Cancelled

Below is a list of the of the six cars GM is dropping from production in 2019. All of these…

6 years ago

What Can Be Done About the Oshawa General Motors Plant Closing

UPDATED: Jan 20 2019 - At first emotional pass it appears that there is little to be done about GM's…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Canadian Oil Profits & Losses Explained 2017 2018 – Not A Love Story

This short video shows that the price of oil you see on TV is far from what Canadian Oil Producers…

6 years ago

5 Ways to Fix The Olympics: What Can Be Learned From Calgary Voting Down the 2026 Olympic Winter Games

In recent years the Olympics has had more and more citizens reject the hosting of the event in their city. …

6 years ago

Oil isn’t Oil: What Are The Different Types of Crude Oil?

When we watch the TV or read the newspaper we often see something like "OIL IS UP TODAY" but we…

6 years ago

Revised Calgary 2026 Olympic Bid Math is Fiction

On Wednesday October 31st, The City of Calgary shaved less than 4% off the proposed Calgary 2026 Olympic Winter Games…

6 years ago

VIDEO: Prius or Pickup – The Psychology of Deep Political Division in 2 Minutes

This short clip from the author of "Prius or Pickup?" Jonathan Weiler, explains that political parties on the left and…

6 years ago

Canada is Failing its Citizens and Needs Constitutional Reform To Fix It

Today the former leader of the Alberta Wild Rose party Brian Jean published an op-ed in the Edmonton Journal explaining his view…

6 years ago

Who Pays The Bill For The Calgary 2026 Winter Olympic Games?

UPDATE Nov 4 2018 - See our take on the new "lower" cost 2026 Calgary Olympics: Revised Calgary 2026 Olympic Bid…

6 years ago

How Is Oil Extracted From Alberta Oil Sands?

As you can see below oil sands cover an extremely large part of Alberta and that resource is going to…

6 years ago

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