
Do Calgary, Edmonton & Alberta Get Most of Their Electricity From Natural Gas?

In the 1990's I worked at TransAlta supporting their Sundance, Keephills and Wabamun coal plants that powered Alberta's electricity needs. …

7 years ago

Solar & Wind Just Keep Crushing Production Predictions

Over the years many knowledgeable people have downplayed the contributions that Solar and Wind can play in the future.  On…

7 years ago

Has The Price of University Tuition Really Gone Up? A Comparison From 1990 to 2018

We are trying answer two simple questions: How much does a student need to work to pay their Canadian University…

7 years ago

TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Begins Despite Many Claims Trudeau & Notely Are Working Against Pipelines

There has been so much talk in the media about how Alberta Premier Rachel Notely and Canadian Prime Minister Justin…

7 years ago

What Major Pipelines Were Built In Canada in the Last Decade of Conservative Rule

There are many who claim that in the last decade of Conservative rule in under Federal Prime Minister Harper and Alberta…

7 years ago

How Much Oil Does Canada Import & Other Oil Statistics

Canada imports about 1 BILLION barrels of oil per year, nearly all into Quebec and Ontario in-spite of the fact…

7 years ago

How Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau May Use Kinder Morgan To Bring Back Energy East Pipeline

Much has been said about the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline and while the Trudeau Government has made it clear…

7 years ago

8 Things The Canadian Federal Government Can Do To Force the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

The current impasse on the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion have many pundits, politicians and citizens taking entrenched positions…

7 years ago

US and Canadian Crime Rates Are Way Down Thanks To Engagement

If you live in the United States or Canada and you feel less safe than you did 20 years ago,…

7 years ago

What Is Induced Seismicity in Oil & Gas Exploration & What Can Be Done About It?

What is Induced Seismicity? Induced Seismicity is just another way to say 'man made earthquakes' and are sometimes referred to…

7 years ago

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