
How Big Are the Oil Tankers Heading to BC To Take Oil From Trans Mountain Pipeline?

The oil tankers to be used near the Port of Vancouver to transport oil from the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain…

6 years ago

Are Oil Tanker Spills Getting Worse? Spill Statistics From 1970 to 2017

You can draw your own conclusions from the charts below but it is not debatable that Oil Tankers used to…

6 years ago

Can Alberta Outlast BC If Oil Shipments Are Restricted?

Alberta is used to energy shocks and can quickly adjust to the environment, especially an oversupply.  BC gets 80% of…

6 years ago

Does Alberta Have Both The Legal Authority & The Gumption To Block Oil Shipments To BC?

In a word, yes. 1 - Does Alberta Have the Legal Authority To Block Oil Shipments to British Columbia? As…

6 years ago

The National Infrastructure Act: How The Federal Government Can Get Infrastructure Projects Like The Trans Mountain Pipeline Done Fairly

The current Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline debacle agonizingly demonstrates that even medium scale infrastructure projects are easily stalemated in…

6 years ago

22 Factual Answers to Interesting Trans Mountain Pipeline Frequently Asked Questions

UPDATE: Sept 14 2018 - We just added new TMX articles you will find interesting: How Big Is The Pipe…

6 years ago

12 Things Alberta Can Do To Punish British Columbia For Blocking the Trans Mountain Pipeline

Many people, and politicians (which are also people :) ) have suggested that Alberta cut off the oil supply to…

6 years ago

Twinning the Kinder-Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Now Too Big To Fail

Should the Province of Alberta buy the Trans Mountain Pipeline from Kinder-Morgan if they want to walk away from the…

6 years ago

How Killing The Canadian Oil Industry Is a Formula For Environmental Disaster

Today Bloomberg's Michael Bellusci wrote an article explaining that Canadian oil and gas companies are in deep trouble.  Here is an…

6 years ago

You Owe $60,000 – Welcome To Alberta’s Avoidable $100B Debt Crisis

Last week the NDP Alberta Government introduced yet another budget without any cuts in it.  Instead they are relying on…

6 years ago

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