
US Government Again Reduces Bank Oversight, 10 Years After The 2008 Global Financial Collapse

After limited debate the US Senate overwhelmingly approved a further reduction in "Dodd-Frank" banking regulations introduced in 2010 to avoid…

7 years ago

Should Disposable Single Use Plastic Bags Be Banned?

There has been much talk in the recent decade about banning disposable plastic bags.  The basic argument is that consumer…

7 years ago

Will Blocking Canadian Pipelines Help Reduce Climate Change?

Dr David Maenz, author of the new book 'The Price of Carbon', explains that blocking Canadian and US pipelines will…

7 years ago

Facts About “A Tale of Two Cities” A Comparison Between Lacombes & Chestermeres Approach to Hiring a New CAO

Recently it was brought to our attention that a small site took issue with the facts supplied in our article "A…

7 years ago

How We Know The Trump Campaign Did Not Criminally Collude With the Russian Government

Let me start with the obligatory, I do not particularly like Donald Trump, believe much of what he says or…

7 years ago

The Price of Carbon in Saskatchewan

Dr David Maenz is interviewed on CBC Regina radio. The discussion is on climate change, his new book The Price…

7 years ago

A Rational, Fact Based Review of Global Warming & Its Practical Solutions

Below is an 11 minute interview with Dr. David Maenz about his new book The Price of Carbon.  Unlike all…

7 years ago

10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Oil & Gas Industry in 2018

The Oil & Gas industry has more than its fair share of misinformation directed at it.  This site is intended…

7 years ago

Will The New Canadian National Projects Review Mechanisms, Resolve Provincial & Municipal Disputes

At the heart of the Canadian Federal Governments announcement today about fixing the process that determines if a large scale…

7 years ago

Oil & Gas: Why is Canada Importing Massive Amounts of Saudi Oil?

Most Canadians think that they are getting their gasoline from Alberta and Texas, but that is just not the case. …

7 years ago

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