
How Much More Does Alberta Spend On Services Compared To The Canadian Average?How Much More Does Alberta Spend On Services Compared To The Canadian Average?

How Much More Does Alberta Spend On Services Compared To The Canadian Average?

A analysis by Statistics Canada of 2016 Canadian Provincial budgets shows that Alberta spends an average of 10% more on…

6 years ago
Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?

Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?

In a word, yes. Average spending on health care is now over 40% of all Canadian Provincial expenses: " care…

6 years ago
Why You Should Not Be Able To Get Ontario High School Credits at Schools In ChinaWhy You Should Not Be Able To Get Ontario High School Credits at Schools In China

Why You Should Not Be Able To Get Ontario High School Credits at Schools In China

Lets start by explaining that yes, you can acquire Ontario high school credits while in China, mostly through schools that…

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SOLVED: Super-Cheap Hydrogen Produced Without CO2 Using Oil Will Change The WorldSOLVED: Super-Cheap Hydrogen Produced Without CO2 Using Oil Will Change The World

SOLVED: Super-Cheap Hydrogen Produced Without CO2 Using Oil Will Change The World

A Canadian company named Proton Technology has developed the worlds first large scale, cheap method of producing ultra-clean hydrogen from…

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SOLVED: Simple Explanation of The Yield Curve and Why it Matters To You

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One China & The United States

One-China is an understanding that the People's Republic of China (PRC) under the Communist Party of China (CPC) has complete…

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What is One China, A Brief History

'One China' is a policy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that requires other nations to accept that the CCP…

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The Future of Android OS is Chinese Made Harmony OSThe Future of Android OS is Chinese Made Harmony OS

The Future of Android OS is Chinese Made Harmony OS

Google built Android from scratch in about 3 years of serious work.  With China's: penchant for stealing intellectual property unlimited…

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US President Trump Just Killed Google Android

When China began the 'free-marketization' of its economy in the 1980's it was clear that China was going to be…

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A Brief Explanation of How British Opium From the 1800’s Is Causing The Hong Kong Uprising Today

You might have heard that British people are fond of tea and to buy tea from China in the 1800's…

6 years ago