How Antitrust Corporate Breakups Should Be Good For Shareholders and Society

6 years ago

The first time you heard of antitrust laws being used to break up large companies you likely thought that that…

SOLVED: What Affects Your Credit Score?

6 years ago

Have you ever wondered what really affects your credit score?  Did that late car payment really make a difference?  Does…

Fastest Rising & Falling Corporate Reputations In 2019

6 years ago

If you think Samsung can't get over blowing up batteries and Telsa can do no wrong... your wrong :) . …

What if Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Did Not Argue SNC Lavalin’s Case with Jody Wilson Raybould?

6 years ago

Imagine a scenario in which a major Canadian based company is facing the prospect of being seriously damaged as a…

What is the Backfire Effect and How It Affects Facebook & Twitter

6 years ago

The Backfire Effect is part of a larger physiological phenomenon called Confirmation Bias.  Confirmation Bias is the human desire to…

VIDEO: Liberal Policies and Quebec’s SNC Lavalin vs Western Canadian Oil and Gas

6 years ago

In this short video we took a 10 minute discussion about the Canadian economy an focused on the discussion about…

This Person Does Not Exist & This Cat Does Not Exist

6 years ago

Do any of the people or cats in the photos below look familiar to you?  They shouldn't because not one…

VIDEO: American’s Left Is Loosing Grip On Reality The Way the America Right Did In the Gingrich Revolution

6 years ago

The latest round of American Presidential Candidates has shown that those on the left of the political spectrum are just…

The Five Reasons Why Chinese Consumers Don’t Care About The China – U.S. Trade War

6 years ago

The China vs United States Trade war is a constant discussion in "The West" and is highly visible because it…

VIDEO: What is Wrong With the Canadian Media Coverage of the SNC-Lavalin Case

6 years ago

In the video below Canada's top civil Servant Michael Wernick explains what is wrong with the media coverage of the SNC-Lavalin…

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