US President Trump Just Killed Google Android

5 years ago

When China began the 'free-marketization' of its economy in the 1980's it was clear that China was going to be…

A Brief Explanation of How British Opium From the 1800’s Is Causing The Hong Kong Uprising Today

5 years ago

You might have heard that British people are fond of tea and to buy tea from China in the 1800's…

VIDEO: Funniest Organ Donation Video Ever Makes a Good Point

5 years ago

This topic is a departure from our usual focus on politics, tech and China but we thought it made an…

Why Canada Does Not Need To Be Afraid of China

5 years ago

Canada has a pushy trading partner called China and that "partner" is throwing its weight around currently by: Removing China's…

How Much Trade Does Canada Do With China? Less Than You Think

5 years ago

China is Canada's third largest trading partner but it is a very distant third: The US and Europe account for…

2019 Crude Oil By Rail Stretches From Edmonton Past Vancouver 300 Kilometers Into the Pacific Ocean

5 years ago

The numbers of oil tanker rail cars being shipped in 2019 and projected for 2020 and beyond are truly staggering. …

Which Car Companies Are Partnered Up To Build Autonomous Vehicles

5 years ago

With all the hype surrounding Telsa, Cadillac and Uber's autonomous driving technology you can be forgiven for thinking that the…

VIDEO: Why You Won’t See Chinese Cars In The US Until After 2025

5 years ago

Today there are already about 60,000 Chinese manufactured vehicles entering the US and Canadian automobile market each year, some of…

Where Does Canada Export Oil To?

5 years ago

It will come as no surprise to anyone in the oil sector, or involved in the stock market that Canada…

What Does Canada Export and Import?

5 years ago

Canada has a dynamic first world economy but still has its primary exports from primary industries: Click to expand graphic…

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