Think Nuclear is Dead or Dangerous? Bill Gates Says Think Again

5 years ago

The nuclear energy industry has a bad rap.  Accidents at Fukushima Japan and Chernobyl Russia, using 1950's technology, scared citizens…

Coal vs Nuclear: What Environmentalists Now Say

5 years ago

We have never had so much easy access to highly reliable scientific information but intentionally misleading fake news, politicians and…

Can A Calgary Startup Really Reshape the Global Energy Business?

5 years ago

A few weeks ago, a small privately held Calgary startup named Proton Technologies announced they were successfully generating cheap hydrogen…

VIDEO: Gladwell – Trust Strangers More But Downplay Face To Face Meetings

5 years ago

In Malcolm Gladwell's new book, Talking to Strangers, he explains a theory that while humans are better off for trusting…

What Each of The Chinese United Front Bureaus Actually Do

5 years ago

For most of the last 50 years the United Front (aka the Central United Front Work Department, UF, UFW, UFWD…

What is the Chinese United Front & Why You Should Be Concerned About It

5 years ago

To get directly to the point the United Front is the official Chinese governments propaganda arm.  The United Front is…

How Much More Does Alberta Spend On Services Compared To The Canadian Average?

5 years ago

A analysis by Statistics Canada of 2016 Canadian Provincial budgets shows that Alberta spends an average of 10% more on…

Do Health Care & Education Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?

5 years ago

In a word, yes. Average spending on health care is now over 40% of all Canadian Provincial expenses: " care…

Why You Should Not Be Able To Get Ontario High School Credits at Schools In China

5 years ago

Lets start by explaining that yes, you can acquire Ontario high school credits while in China, mostly through schools that…

VIDEO: Cadillac Announces Electric Platform for New SUV & More

5 years ago

At the Detroit Auto Show in January 2019 General Motors Announced the Cadillac would spearhead it electrification efforts. In this…

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