Top 5 Funniest Videos of the 2020 US Presidential Election

At we don’t spend much time on comedy; we try to stick to actual facts.  However, there have been some really solid performances about the Trump / Biden 2020 US Presidential election and we thought you would all enjoy a break from the seriousness of the last year.

#5 Goal Fraud: If The US Election Were a Hockey Game

#4 Bad Lip Sync: Watch Trump Double Down on Insanity

#3 Presidential Cup: If The 2020 US Election Were a Horse Race

#2 Trump Chess Set: Hours Of Fun Watching Drunk Uncle Try Not To Use the N Word

#1 We’re All Doomed: Weird Al Songify The Biden Trump Debate… sooo good.

… but wait, there’s more!

And as an added bonus watch Trump say some of the most insane things a sitting President has ever said:

… whats that?  You want to know what Hitler thinks?