VIDEO: Real Tesla Range Anxiety & What Happens When The Tesla Battery Runs Out

If you have heard the nonsense put out by blind Tesla fanboys that Range Anxiety is a thing of the past, watch this video to get the real information.

I recently had to do a loop from Calgary to Lethbridge, Alberta and back.  Because Lethbridge has only 1 charger and it is only a 220 volt tied to the Holiday Inn, I had to go through a small town named Fort Macleod, Alberta which has a very nice set of Tesla Super Chargers.  This takes me about about 40 kilometers (25 miles) out of my way but I could make that work without too much effort.

I charged my Model 3 to 318 kilometers (200 miles) and drove almost exactly 250 kilometers (155 miles) at Fort Macleod and then drove on flat prairie roads in the middle of the night at even speeds nearly exclusively using the self-drive adaptive cruise and I still ran out of electricity about 10 kilometers from my destination.  Before you jump to conclusions, keep these things in mind:

  • my M3 has recently been taken in for service and Tesla staff confirmed my experiences with the battery are within their specifications
  • my Tesla Model 3 is my third plug in electric car, so I am quite knowledgeable and certainly tolerant of EV limitations
  • you may have heard Tesla added 50% more super chargers to their network in the last year, and while that is true, nearly all them were in China

The point here isn’t that Tesla’s are garbage, because they are not; they are wonderful cars.  The point is that Tesla constantly over promises and under delivers.  Other manufactures put extra battery cells into their packs and then under charge the main cells so they will have both long live main cells and new cells that can replace older underperforming cells.  Tesla just gives you the maximum numbers and hopes you will tolerate being let down, because criticizing Tesla brings the wrath of the dreaded blind fan boys.

Free SuperCharing:

If you are going to buy a Tesla, please use my referral code so we BOTH get 1000 miles of free supercharging


Camangay Alberta is a small town between Lethbridge Alberta and Calgary, and it is going to install a 220v EV charger within the next year.  220 is still slow but it will help anyone with range issues driving the same route I did.