A analysis by Statistics Canada of 2016 Canadian Provincial budgets shows that Alberta spends an average of 10% more on services than the Canadian average.

Albertans spend a shocking 26% more than the Canadian average on Education.

Government expense by function per capita, 2016 Alberta  Canada  Alberta Premium 
Health $4,944.00 $4,475.00 $                469.00
Education $3,047.00 $2,455.00 $                592.00
Economic affairs $2,112.00 $1,275.00 $                837.00
Social protection $1,393.00 $1,770.00 $              (377.00)
General public services $   947.00 $1,658.00 $              (711.00)
Public order and safety $   762.00 $   723.00 $                  39.00
Environmental protection $   584.00 $   301.00 $                283.00
Housing and community amenities $   352.00 $   239.00 $                113.00
Recreation, culture, and religion $   431.00 $   349.00 $                  82.00
Total $14,572.00 $13,245.00 $1,327.00
Source: Statistics Canada CANSIM table 385-0041.

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Alberta‘s newly elected Jason Kenny lead UCP government certainly has its work cut out for it.

For more details and graphs on provincial budgets look at our related article:  Does Health Care and Education Spending Really Account for 50% of Provincial Government Spending In Canada?


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