Categories: CanadaChina

How Much Trade Does Canada Do With China? Less Than You Think

China Canada TradeChina Canada TradeChina is Canada’s third largest trading partner but it is a very distant third:

  • The US and Europe account for 60% and 8% of Canada’s exports respectively
  • China accounts for just 2.9% of Canada’s exports and 6% of Canada’s imports
  • Canada imports three times as much from China as it exports to China

Exports to China From Canada Broken Down by Province

Exports to China From Canada by ProvinceExports to China From Canada by Province

In 2017 these were the official import / export numbers for Canada:

Rank Country Exports Imports Total Trade Trade Balance
Global 521,251 547,320 1,068,571 -26,070
1 United States 297,260 210,915 508,175 86,345
Europe in Total 41,827 52,288 94,115 -10,461
2 China 15,359 48,593 63,952 -33,234
3 Mexico 8,879 18,901 27,780 -10,022
4 United Kingdom 17,957 7,589 25,546 10,368
5 Japan 11,004 11,765 22,769 -761
6 Germany 4,423 14,583 19,006 -10,160
7 South Korea 4,623 8,952 13,575 -4,329
8 Italy 2,485 5,635 8,120 -3,150
9 France 3,513 4,448 7,961 -935
10 Netherlands 2,916 4,819 7,735 -1,903