As you have no doubt heard, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has forced oil production cuts starting at 350,000 barrels per day in January 2019 and hopes to reduce those cuts to 95,000 barrels per day by the end of 2019.  We wanted to know how much oil is that so we worked did the calculations.

If a country produced as much as Alberta is cutting they would be in the top 40 oil producing nations. We estimate that Alberta will cut production by about 35 million barrels per year which averages to more than 164,000 barrels of oil per day.

Take a look at these charts and graphs to show you Alberta will be cutting more oil than Denmark produces in a full year.

Top 50 Oil Producing Countries Production Numbers in Barrels Per Day


CountryOil Production / Barrels per Day
World Production80,622,000
1 United States[6]11,300,000
2 Russia11,200,000
3 Saudi Arabia (OPEC)10,460,710
4 Iraq (OPEC)4,451,516
5 Iran (OPEC)3,990,956
6 China3,980,650
7 Canada3,662,694
8 United Arab Emirates (OPEC)3,106,077
9 Kuwait (OPEC)2,923,825
10 Brazil2,515,459
11 Venezuela (OPEC)2,276,967
12 Mexico2,186,877
13 Nigeria (OPEC)1,999,885
14 Angola (OPEC)1,769,615
15 Norway1,647,975
17 Qatar1,622,902
16 Kazakhstan1,595,199
18 Algeria (OPEC)1,348,361
19 Oman1,006,841
20 Libya (OPEC)1,003,000
21 United Kingdom939,760
22 Colombia897,784
22 Indonesia833,667
23 Azerbaijan833,538
24 India734,180
25 Malaysia661,240
26 Ecuador (OPEC)548,421
27 Argentina510,560
28 Romania504,000
29 Egypt494,325
31 Congo, Republic of the (OPEC)308,363
32 Vietnam301,850
33 Australia289,749
34 Thailand257,525
35 Sudan and  South Sudan255,000
36 Turkmenistan230,779
37 Equatorial Guinea (OPEC)227,000
38 Gabon (OPEC)210,820


Alberta Oil CUTS


39 Denmark140,637
40 Chad110,156
41 Brunei109,117
42 Ghana100,549
43 Cameroon93,205
44 Pakistan84,746
45 Italy70,675
46 Timor-Leste60,661
47 Trinidad and Tobago60,090
48 Bolivia58,077
49 Papua New Guinea56,667
50 Uzbekistan52,913


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