How Much Oil Does Canada Import & Other Oil Statistics

Canada imports about 1 BILLION barrels of oil per year, nearly all into Quebec and Ontario in-spite of the fact that it exports 3.1 Billion barrels of oil per year.

These are the specific numbers taken directly from the Canadian Federal Government from 2016:

  • Canadian production: 3.9 MMb/d
  • Imports: 0.9 MMb/d
  • Exports: 3.1 MMb/d

Below are some other statistics you might also find interesting:

Canada Has the Third Largest Proven Reserves on the Globe:

World proved reserves – 1,646 billion barrels (at the end of 2016)
Rank Country Percentage of total
1 Venezuela 18%
2 Saudi Arabia 16%
3 Canada
4 Iran 10%
5 Iraq 9%

Canada Produces 5% of the Worlds Oil:

World production* – 93.6 MMb/d (2016, preliminary)
Rank Country Percentage of total
1 United States 13%
2 Saudi Arabia 13%
3 Russia 12%
4 Canada 5%
5 China 5%

Canada has just 2% of the Globes Shale Oil:

World technically recoverable shale oil* resources – 419 billion barrels (2015)
Rank Country Percentage of total
1 United States 19%
2 Russia 18%
3 China 8%
4 Argentina 6%
5 Libya 6%
13 Canada 2%

Canada Currently Produces About Half of Its Oil Using Conventional Drilling:

Canada Has Just 15 Major Oil Pipelines Currently:

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Canadian Oil is Exported Mostly By Rail:

The best research shows rail is 4.5 time less safe than pipelines.

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Canadian Demand For Oil Will Be Supplied From Somewhere:

See our article: Will Blocking Canadian Pipelines Help Reduce Climate Change?

View Comments

  • Canada imports way too much oil. As someone from Asia, I was shocked and Canadians should be embarassed.

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